Eros Orisha breakout year was in 2022 but she is continues to impress here in 2023. She has superstar written all over her thanks to her beauty and her attitude to this adult business. She just loves sex and she also loves to be on camera so she will surely be one that Black Tgirls will keep on calling back. She already has six videos at the time of this posting and two of them are hardcore bareback. Eros Orisha also seems like a sweetheart. She is very social online and loves to chat with her fans, share her life and just have fun. I love the models that just ooze confidence and positive thinking as they are usually the best in the bedroom. Another bonus with Eros Orisha is she is always rock hard. Sure I understand that some models have issues keeping it up with being on hormones and such and is totally understandable. However, it is still super hot when the model does have that big erect ability and Eros Orisha never seems to have that issue!